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Black Leaders Spotlight: Dr. Boyce Watkins

It’s imperative to have proper leadership. Whether it’s in the household, at school, at work, in spiritual settings, amongst friends, at social events, and nowadays, over social media.

Since this year has started we’ve all been at it out here online. Using the internet, whether through TVs, smart devices or on our computers, this year, our research has hit new levels. Since March I have seen a lot of strides made in the right direction. Even though it may be a rough road with tough decisions, we can do it. We can unite as black people. Bring our communities closer together. Utilize the skills we used throughout the pandemic and realize our greatness and natural talents.

This leads me to introduce you to our first Black Leader Spotlight. Ever so often I will focus on new compelling ideas. This Spotlight will highlight leaders in our community that is striving for greatness in themselves and their communities. I’m confident you will enjoy the content and it would be great to know you have been inspired to do more research.

Dr. Boyce Watkins

To help introduce Dr. Boyce, I would like to go directly to the video that inspired me to start highlighting our leaders.

Feature Photo Credit: Dr. Boyce Watkins and

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