Besides your local governments, it’s important to have real-time statistics on COVID-19 about your neighbors and fellow Americans. In this Blog we highlight the importance of gaining information of COVID-19 from all 3 major hubs, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, The Department of Health and Human Services and The World Health Organization, and from the Top Universities in the World.
The US Government has moved control of the incoming US COVID-19 statistics from the CDC to the HHS. At the same time, downplaying the severity of the disease, misdirecting people to not wear masks, and encouraging some states to open up too soon shows arrogant incompetence of leadership for the United States as a whole.
New York is a perfect example of the best ways to handle a pandemic under strenuous situations. These hard-fought wins were gained by trustworthy leadership and also by the cooperation of the communities. Witnessing the tragedies in NY could have turned to case studies, and directives to take better precautions and preventions of outbreaks. Instead of following those examples and staying steps ahead, some states have put more people at risk by allowing record breakouts to now to take place. Two to Three months after NY bounced back. Making a concrete effort to fight the disease with a strong immune system, proper PPE, social distancing, and maintaining a consistent cleansing routine throughout the day, were noted as the best lessons learned. Unfortunately, we have people that have agendas that are not truly positive and choose not to adopt those specific strategies.
Since it’s hard to trust the media, the governments, this president, and even your neighbors, you must obtain information to truly verify your understanding of the pandemic and its effect on everything from schools, work, transportation, to entertainment. The transparency of the information and access is key especially with kids starting school in August and September. This is why we decided to share some links to help make your research easier. – The Department of Health and Human Services – The Department of Health and Human Services – The World Health Organization – The Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center
Feature Photo Credit: John Hopkins University