
Ice Cube Builds A Contract For Black America

Ice Cube takes a stand and works with others on creating, A Contract for Black America. Its focus is to stop economic suppression, racism, police brutality, systematic racism, and other crimes against the black community. It seems even as we plead and express our position by chanting “Black Lives Matter”, things have even gotten worst. Most people these days you ask would say it’s the current president that has helped fuel the environment of the latest acts; which is true. Unfortunately, here in 2020 the United States President lies and misleads the public. Many topics from Black America to COVID-19 bears witness to the facts the president denies.

Knowing this country is mostly divided between Democrats, Republicans, and Independents, Ice Cube is offering that all sides come together to see that A Contract for Black America is actually written into a document. These promises should be honored and leaders held accountable to see it through all phases of improvements, changes, and reforms towards relations with the black community.

Read the contract and support it here: https://contractwithblackamerica.us/
Listen as Ice Cube elaborates on his points in this YouTube video with Ebro from Oct. 21, 2020:

Feature Photo Credit: Billboard.com